The Genealogist’s Guests Preview

The existence of ghosts dates back to ancient times. Having been sighted in Europe, Japan, China,  Canada, London, Germany, the United States and other parts of the world it’s a wonder some dispute their existence.  The non-believers, the ones whose perceptions tell them their brains are playing tricks on them hear the thumps around the house, they smell their deceased mother’s perfume, and they see objects move. Supernatural events that frequent their everyday lives. Yet, they refuse to believe their loved ones have returned. All things strange have  reasonable explanations they say. But they feel the ghost’s presence and the anxiety associated with the experience. Perhaps they refuse to accept their own fates, that they one day will live a parallel existence into the unknown.  

Liz Taber journeys into the unknown. Captured by an evil that plagued her family since 1885. It is there Liz finds the strength passed down to her through generations to combat forces the living fears. It is there she meets her fifth generation grandmother, Isabella Hay. A fiery spirit of Scotland. Together they battle Wilbur Savage, a psychotic child rapist and murderer in life, a deranged demonic being in death.  They must find a way to save future Taber children from the wrath of evil. To the non- believers who read this post, happy dreams. Don’t worry about the thumps in the night. There’s a reasonable explanation.

The Genealogist’s Guests. Coming soon.

It wasn’t easy

But I have published my book, Compelled,  at Smashwords, Createspace, and Amazon. I am excited about the new book cover designed by Donna Casey at Editorial service was done by Diane Reynolds.  I send a special thanks for your contribution to this book. I am equally excited about my next title The Genealogists Guest, but I have a lot of work to do with Compelled. Mainly get the news out that it is available. I’ve been reading about marketing, my true weakness, and much of what I gather is that social networking is key, along with word of mouth, and a few reviews. And so I have advertised, should I say, on Facebook, Twitter, and other social websites.


And so, after much thought and hard work on my book, I’ve finally come to a decision…the first and second books belong together, and so, part one The Tug and part two The Thrust will be under one cover.

Yep, I posted the message above on Facebook Saturday, June 16, 2012. It’s possibly the craziest decision I’ve ever made. But fact is as the author of the two titles I couldn’t see them as separate books. The second continued from the first and though I was told, “If people like the first one they’ll buy the second, you’ll sell two instead of one.” The better advice was that I, the author, am the one who knows best. And my gut tells me to do the crazy, to take a chance, and give my passion, my story under one cover. Well actually sell it under one cover.

Maybe it’s the first time published author thing. You know where the rush to get the first part The Tug out to readers was so exciting and, forgive me; irresistible, it had blinded me to the full potential of Compelled. And so, after much thought The Tug and The Thrust will be part one and two in my soon to be released new and not so new novel. The story, you may ask, is love at its strongest triumph, the will to stand against all obstacles, and in Macon’s case, criminals, to save his sweet Anna. A story of a good boy gone bad ass, forced, err, compelled to become whatever he had to, to assure his freedom and he won’t leave without Anna.

The cover is completed! I am happy to give great credit to my new book cover artist Donna Casey. Take a look at her portfolio at If you’re in the market for a cover I recommend Donna!  I’m crazy about the new cover. It will soon be seen at Amazon, CreateSpace, and Smashwords. The editing process is complete with special thanks to Diane Reynolds my editor. All that’s left to do is join the two parts, and yikes, format, and send them on their way to readers. It feels like sending my baby off to, yep, jail!

Interested? Maybe crazy sparks a little curiosity?  I am an indie author! My taking a chance shouldn’t surprise anyone, right, you got me on that one. I don’t know whether my book will be a success, but I hope, pray, wish, want people to read and enjoy my work. So what’s this turmoil of mine all about? It’s about losing one’s self in fiction, mad writing and living, yes breathing each word to create an escape for readers. But not an escape from feeling the emotions because:

Macon will do anything for her. Anna soon finds out how far he will go. They are joined by love and separated by housing units. Set up by cunning criminals and forced to do the unthinkable. Macon finds the strength to free himself but Anna is left behind. He is driven by his love for her and revenge for those who did this to them. His predicament is worse than torture, but he’s relentless and dangerous. They pulled him into their world and now he must push his way back out. He’s not leaving without Anna.

Back to Work

I’ve just boasted about my editor Diane Reynolds. She reviewed my first five chapters of the Thrust, edited and returned it for my review. I posed a question for anyone who wishes to share. Do you have an editor you’d love to to brag about? How well does that person work with you? I love being able to send five chapters for review myself that way I can move on with the story which by the way is at chapter seven. Though illness put me behind I feel rejuvenated and a late March early April release date is still planned. Oh how I love the thought of another title published 🙂

A Story Calling

My first thougth as I write this post is that right outside my window here the birds are singing, the sun is up and shining bright, and I am feeling much better after last weeks kick my butt illness kept my head on my pillow. Now I have lots to do, with my novels that is. I am currently writing The Thrust but as a writer’s need would have it my imagination keeps wondering to a story I seem destined to write. I have a title. I have the plot, I’ve toyed with the idea of having a cover designed for it, I might have to write it.

The Genealogists Guests

Torn as I am I must decide which to focus on, come on, I tell myself. Get it together. And so I’m leaning toward…

Make it a Series

Well it seems I cannot get rid of Macon, the protagonist of my novel The Tug. I feel the story has much more, and since my creative mind keeps seeing him in the future, that is after The Tug, I’ve decided to start a new title. Actually two more titles. A three part series, The Tug, The Thrust, and The Truth.

It was the last week in October that I first dreamed up this story in preparation of the NaNoWriMo event, and though I have another unrelated title in the works, this one won’t allow me to fully concentrate on the unseen evil that’s chasing my other protagonist around.

I’ve already self published  The Tug and have it on Amazon Kindle of which I’m waiting for customer reviews. Begining tomorrow I will again promote it for free and hope it will inspire some to post their opinions. If I’m correct they should feel rushed, sort of like the rush Macon feels while incarcerated. Seems things happen fast in there.

The Thrust will begin where The Tug left off and Macon has, against his true self, his longing for better, joined a criminal force that seeks to entrap people on the inside for their selfish and evil conspiracy. It’s discouraging that punishment by confinement is nothing more than a breeding ground for such acts. Macon will struggle but triumph as he outwits the most dangerous predators of our society.

At least that’s what I think he’ll do.

A little time for me

…and so I’ve been working on the editng of my draft I wrote during the National Novel Writing Month. My excitement grows as I read and re-read my story. I feel I have something here, though I’ve, and laughing here, had to change a lot of the wording and fix many errors since early this morning. I feel good about the overall story. It has a great plot and lots of scenes throughout the entire draft. A little, or who am I kidding a lot more tweaking and this could be a publishable work.


The assumed good and the definite bad interact behind the walls of confinement. Mental power, physical threat, and surviving time in a world where those who know take advantage, the strong never forget, and the weak look for someone to turn to. We take a journey with Macon O’Reilly, a nineteen year old adult who earned himself a stay at the jail, punishment by confinement. But Macon soon learns it’s not as easy as it sounds. Incarcerated in an environment we choose not to understand, if they can’t do the time we say… and now Macon must find strength to meet the challenges of incarceration and make it back home to sweet Anna, the girl he plans to marry. Neither are prepared for the horror about to unfold upon them in this disturbing narrative of survival among the ruthless.

I titled the work “Tug.” If, when I submit the piece to an agent I’ll update here on WordPress. Whether it be accepted, tossed, or even laughed at, and how I feel about will be shared during the process. But till then I am too excited!

1st 10 pages

1st impressions. Final drafts.

The Delete Key

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