A Story Calling

My first thougth as I write this post is that right outside my window here the birds are singing, the sun is up and shining bright, and I am feeling much better after last weeks kick my butt illness kept my head on my pillow. Now I have lots to do, with my novels that is. I am currently writing The Thrust but as a writer’s need would have it my imagination keeps wondering to a story I seem destined to write. I have a title. I have the plot, I’ve toyed with the idea of having a cover designed for it, I might have to write it.

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About TA Simpson
Ann Simpson lives in Falmouth, Virginia near the Civil War Battlegrounds of Historic Fredericksburg. Most of her paranormal writing takes place in the early morning before the family wakes and the spirits rest. She loves to write and read paranormal mysteries, fantasy, suspense and drama.

One Response to A Story Calling

  1. TheOthers1 says:

    Don’t they say to write the story your heart wants to write? That’s not always helpful when you’re halfway through a story you need to finish . . .

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