Back to Work

I’ve just boasted about my editor Diane Reynolds. She reviewed my first five chapters of the Thrust, edited and returned it for my review. I posed a question for anyone who wishes to share. Do you have an editor you’d love to to brag about? How well does that person work with you? I love being able to send five chapters for review myself that way I can move on with the story which by the way is at chapter seven. Though illness put me behind I feel rejuvenated and a late March early April release date is still planned. Oh how I love the thought of another title published 🙂

This is the Time

Trying out this new quick post WordPress introduced today. It’s great, much easier than the old way.

I’ve done some surfing in the news about ebooks and self publishing. I encourage eveyone to keep pushing the news-This is the Time- for authors to get their works online and introduce to the world their talents. I’m new to it all with one title published and another in the works, but I’m not new to the many works out there that are unpublished and fantastic reads. This- is- the- Time to get your works out there, this ebook thing is only beginning to take hold. The more I read the more I am convinced this will be a great year for authors who self publish. Go ahead give it a shot.

A Story Calling

My first thougth as I write this post is that right outside my window here the birds are singing, the sun is up and shining bright, and I am feeling much better after last weeks kick my butt illness kept my head on my pillow. Now I have lots to do, with my novels that is. I am currently writing The Thrust but as a writer’s need would have it my imagination keeps wondering to a story I seem destined to write. I have a title. I have the plot, I’ve toyed with the idea of having a cover designed for it, I might have to write it.

The Genealogists Guests

Torn as I am I must decide which to focus on, come on, I tell myself. Get it together. And so I’m leaning toward…

Out and About

I’ve been out and about, on the net that is. And so I neglected my blog, but good news. I’ve been joing others at weRead, LibraryThing, The Book Marketing Network, Googl+, Branchout (Facebook), Goodreads, I think that’s it, and I got caught up in reading! Go figure, I should be writing more.  My book, The Tug was mentioned and rated it a three star. I was surprised to see it there.

So what else has kept me from posting, uh, researching ancestors, and reading Kindle Books. I read and enjoyed The Mill River Recluse by Darci Chan.  I am currently reading Daddy’s Home by A.K. Alexander.

I self published The Tug with CreateSpace in print edition and of course its available on Kindle edition at I went with a new cover since my Kindle Cover didn’t meet CreateSpace’s specifications, but in all its been good. Have I been stopping by WordPress? Hell yes, I love your blogs! If you haven’t checked out the websites listed above go ahead and give them a look.

Make it a Series

Well it seems I cannot get rid of Macon, the protagonist of my novel The Tug. I feel the story has much more, and since my creative mind keeps seeing him in the future, that is after The Tug, I’ve decided to start a new title. Actually two more titles. A three part series, The Tug, The Thrust, and The Truth.

It was the last week in October that I first dreamed up this story in preparation of the NaNoWriMo event, and though I have another unrelated title in the works, this one won’t allow me to fully concentrate on the unseen evil that’s chasing my other protagonist around.

I’ve already self published  The Tug and have it on Amazon Kindle of which I’m waiting for customer reviews. Begining tomorrow I will again promote it for free and hope it will inspire some to post their opinions. If I’m correct they should feel rushed, sort of like the rush Macon feels while incarcerated. Seems things happen fast in there.

The Thrust will begin where The Tug left off and Macon has, against his true self, his longing for better, joined a criminal force that seeks to entrap people on the inside for their selfish and evil conspiracy. It’s discouraging that punishment by confinement is nothing more than a breeding ground for such acts. Macon will struggle but triumph as he outwits the most dangerous predators of our society.

At least that’s what I think he’ll do.

1st 10 pages

1st impressions. Final drafts.

The Delete Key

A real writer knows when to hit the delete key.

The Dystopian Nation of City-State

A cruel, futuristic vision created by science fiction authors James Courtney and Kaisy Wilkerson-Mills. ©2013-2016. All Rights Reserved. All writings available through Amazon.

Helping authors get found, get feedback, get fans, and even get famous!

ladybug and lulu

two little ladies. one continuous adventure.

How to Make, Market and Sell Ebooks

self-publishing tips for authors

Let's Get Published

Home of the Writers Mastermind for Fiction Writers

readers+writers journal

Connecting Readers and Writers

When Nothing Goes Write

...and I mean nothing.

Andrea Reads America

A literary tour of the USA

Balls Deep and crying like a baby...

Reviews, ramblings, and crap like that from Rich Meyer.

Words That Stay

A Blog by K.M. Alleena


20,000 leagues under the blog


Melodic hiphop meets deep reflections about life and death

Sarah O'Flynn

Blogging My First Novel, one post at a time

audrey lexington

My dream is to become a professional bullshit artist. Or, as others prefer to call them, a novelist. I know, a highly unoriginal and unattainable goal. What's my back-up plan? Ninja fairy. Here's to being disgustingly unoriginal!

Writing in a RainDrop

Reigning Together Through the Raindrops of Life

Haunted World

life, death, and in between.